Tracy Guy

You Are Stronger Than You Think!

Focus on you, your future and your goals!

About The Author

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach & Author

Tracy is a relationship coach for men and women who are experiencing or have experienced narcissistic abuse. Tracy Guy has a Bachelor of Nursing degree with experience in mental health, multi-trauma, and end of life care and is also a published author. After an abusive relationship experience, Tracy decided to apply her skills to helping those who find themselves suffering trauma due to a toxic or difficult relationship.

What is a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach?

A narcissistic abuse recovery coach can be the lifeline you need when struggling to find freedom from a narcissistic relationship. They understand narcissistic dynamics, provide targeted tools and resources to help manage the emotional roller coaster of narcissistic abuse recovery, and empower survivors to reclaim their voice. A narcissistic abuse recovery coach is uniquely qualified to guide individuals through identifying and understanding the confusing dynamics associated with narcissistic abuse, including learning about manipulation, hoovering, triangulation, and other tactics the narcissist uses to control people. They help you develop healthy boundaries for protection, learn how to form supportive relationships and avoid toxic relationship patterns in the future. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you may be feeling very isolated as well as physically and emotionally drained. A narcissistic abuse recovery coach can offer valuable support as a survivor starts their journey towards true healing.

Does this sound like something you need?

You need a very targeted plan to break free from the grip of a narcissist.

  1. I will help you to identify damaging patterns in your relationship and provide a clear understanding of the cycle of abuse.
  2. We will work to develop effective boundaries and responses to the narcissist during peak periods.
  3. Through our coaching sessions you will obtain a renewed sense of direction and hope and have a clear plan on how to safely manage and exit your relationship.

If you have already exited a relationship with someone who has narcissistic traits, I will help you manage the narcissist post-separation and provide tools to help you regain your self-confidence and self-worth.

My Book

Imagine you’re at the most vulnerable point in your life. You turn to the person you love and trust the most and tell them that you have given up on life, and they say, ‘So What?!’

No-one would ever willingly enter a relationship with a narcissist or someone who demonstrates narcissistic tendencies, leaving you vulnerable to abuse or losing your independence and self-worth, but you never find out until it’s too late.

So What?! is a step-by-step guide to forging a path through the minefield of life with a narcissistic partner. This book provides in-depth information on the various tactics a narcissist may use to control you and offers a comprehensive strategy for safely exiting the relationship. If you have a narcissistic parent, sibling, child, or colleague or have children with a narcissist, this book will offer insights into managing the situation when ‘No Contact’ is not an option. You will get a sense of hope, be able to set rock-solid boundaries, and finally put a stop to the abuse once and for all.

Excerpt From The Book

“I’m sorry to call,” I said quietly and pitifully.

The reply, “Hey, what’s up?”

“I just needed to call you to say that I’m sorry. I need you to know how much I love you, but I’ve had enough, I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to live.”​

“Ok.” was the reply, then silence.

I spoke slowly saying, “I don’t want to live with this pain anymore.
My heart is breaking.”

The answer came quickly and clearly…

“So what?!”

Are you ready to break free?

Book your first coaching session and the first step towards a bright future. You can do this!


Maz O’Connor

Maz O’Connor

“Reading this might be exactly what you need to understand a past or current relationship. Tracy’s own raw insights into her relationship, mixed with the facts she shares on what narcissism is, and what it looks like will give clarity and a plan if you need to work your way out of a current relationship or deal with the trauma of a past relationship.”

My Blog

Trauma Bonding- What It Is and How To Break Free

Trauma Bonding- What It Is and How To Break Free

Trauma bonding, also known as Stockholm Syndrome or traumatic bonding, is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in abusive or coercive relationships. Breaking free from trauma bonding with an ex-partner is a gradual and ongoing process that requires patience, self-compassion, and perseverance.

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The Psychological Impact of Long-term Domestic Violence

The Psychological Impact of Long-term Domestic Violence

Long-term domestic violence inflicts profound psychological wounds that can persist long after the physical abuse ends. It’s important to recognize that the psychological impact of long-term domestic violence is profound and pervasive, affecting every aspect of survivors’ lives.

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Narcissistic Abuse: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Narcissistic Abuse: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Narcissistic abuse is a deeply painful experience that can leave individuals feeling shattered and stripped of their sense of self-worth. However, amidst the darkness of narcissistic abuse lies an opportunity for profound personal growth and transformation.

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Narcissistic abuse in same sex relationships

Narcissistic abuse in same sex relationships

Narcissistic abuse and domestic violence can occur in any type of relationship, including same-sex relationships. Abuse is still abuse. While the dynamics of narcissistic abuse may manifest similarly regardless of the genders involved, there can be unique challenges and complexities in same-sex relationships that may impact how narcissistic abuse unfolds and is experienced.

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Trauma Bonding- What It Is and How To Break Free

Trauma Bonding- What It Is and How To Break Free

Trauma bonding, also known as Stockholm Syndrome or traumatic bonding, is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in abusive or coercive relationships. Breaking free from trauma bonding with an ex-partner is a gradual and ongoing process that requires patience, self-compassion, and perseverance.

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The Psychological Impact of Long-term Domestic Violence

The Psychological Impact of Long-term Domestic Violence

Long-term domestic violence inflicts profound psychological wounds that can persist long after the physical abuse ends. It’s important to recognize that the psychological impact of long-term domestic violence is profound and pervasive, affecting every aspect of survivors’ lives.

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Narcissistic Abuse: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Narcissistic Abuse: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Narcissistic abuse is a deeply painful experience that can leave individuals feeling shattered and stripped of their sense of self-worth. However, amidst the darkness of narcissistic abuse lies an opportunity for profound personal growth and transformation.

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Narcissistic abuse in same sex relationships

Narcissistic abuse in same sex relationships

Narcissistic abuse and domestic violence can occur in any type of relationship, including same-sex relationships. Abuse is still abuse. While the dynamics of narcissistic abuse may manifest similarly regardless of the genders involved, there can be unique challenges and complexities in same-sex relationships that may impact how narcissistic abuse unfolds and is experienced.

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Send Me A Message

    My book ‘So What?! How to Survive a Relationship with a Narcissist’

    Provides insights into what to expect from a narcissist, how to manage one, and how to safely exit the relationship.

    © Copyright 2023 | Tracy Guy | All Rights Reserved.